Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 34:My Son is a Stud!

Hello America!
How are you doing? How's the weather over there? Good I hope :) Its been kinda rainy over here...
Elder Dundee and I have had such a progressive week! We have been so blessed with many opportunities to teach new invertigators, and schedule two of them for baptism!!! Which is made even better, because both scheduled investigators are member referrals, which means they are at least 10 times more likely to be baptised!!
The first is James (21) James lived in missouri for a summer, teaching football (soccer) to youth and living with an LDS family. One week, he decided to be polite and attend their church with them. His brother, Tom (22), also worked in the states (texas) and coached football while living with a different LDS family. He attended church many times while there, and was eventually baptised. Following his baptism, he and his brother moved back to Doncaster. Tom wanted to see if church was the same in England, so he came to church with his older brother. He attended three weeks in a row before we could finally grab him and set up a return appointment, which was set for this past wednesday. Tom was also invited to come along (of course). At the end of teaching the restoration, we invited James to be baptised , to which he accepted! And he is now set and ready to be baptised in July! He is so prepared (one of the few investigators that doesnt smoke, and he stopped drinking when his brother got baptised) and we are very very excited for him!
The second is Rachel (31). Rachel is a single mom, who recently moved back to Doncaster from London. While she was there, she was visited by the sister missionaries for about 3 or so months and taught basically everything there is to teach. She then moved back to her family here in Doncaster, where her sister who is a member referred her to be taught. We got to know here, and were surprised at the amount of knowledge she had about the gospel! When we asked her if she had already set a baptism date with the Sisters in London, she said yes, but it hadnt worked out because of her problem with smoking. So now we know where we stand. Rachel will stop smoking, and also baptised in July! Yay!!
I have to make an apology for you now... I, unfortunately, was so preoccupied with work this past week, that I forgot to take any new pictures... Sorry! However, I promise I will make up for it this next week!
Please pray for miracles in the Doncaster area once again! We very much need them!
Elder Gabriel G. Spencer

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