Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 66: The Fastest Week in Mission History!

Hello! Alright?
Wow... This past week went by SO FAST!!! There were so many thing that happened, it seems as though I didn't have time to take enough pictures to document it all! :( Sorry! But NEVERTHELESS! I will not leave you unsatisfied ;)
The week kicked off after P-day with a district leader exchange! Elder Taylor, from [insert small farming town here] Nevada came up to Peterlee for a couple days! We filled our time with tons of fun stuff to do, including kebabs, knocking, holding Family Home Evening for the first time in Helen's home (which was tons of fun!) learning some phrases in Chinese, traveling to the farthest area in Peterlee (I tricked him and told him we were lost... Ha!) preparing for our respective district meetings, and running to buses, missing buses, and taking taxis instead. So, as you could have guessed, a pretty eventful exchange.
Wednesday was district meeting. We focused the instruction on expectaions. Expectations for ourselves, for other missionaries, for our leaders (myself especially included) and the expectations that God has for us as well. It went really well, and thankfully all of us were able to receive revelation and get make the improvements that needed to happen :) After that, the Peterlee and Middlesbrough district went out for district lunch and we ate at a nearby Chinese buffet that was pretty decent.
After Wednesday, we had a pretty normal Thursday. Went knocking in Blackhall (near the beach) and found two new investigators, taught Helen later that night about tithing. ''Thats actually a really good way for us to help the needy.'' She says. YES!
Friday happened. And we got a referral from some missionaries up north who got a similar referral from other missionaries to the west for a man named Tony. So Elder Smith and I, after trying to contact him via the phone several times decided to take the bus all the way to Sherburn Hills, Peterlee's most western village. While we were in Sherburn Hills, we were both surprised to see the tower of Durham Cathedral off a little ways in the distance. Durham Cathedral is not in our area, nor in our Zone. It was just interesting to think that the Peterlee area was so close to it. It probably would have taken us about 20 minutes to walk to it ha ha. Anyway, long story short, we were finally able to contact Toni.
Saturday started off with the baptismal interview of Helen and Estelle! And they passed! Woo! After that, we got straight on the bus and headed to Red Car, the area in which the sisters in the district work. So Elder Smith and I volunteered to help the sisters go finding in their area, and we spent about 6 hours over there finding new people to teach. We had some fun and found quite a few potentials for the sisters to teach :) A little side note... Red Car is literally right on the ocean... There was a whole bunch of construction going on around the coastline, I think they were setting up barriers to keep erosion from taking out the shops. It was literally like on one side of the street you have some nice quaint little shops, and on the other side of the street, you have a 7 foot concrete barrier with waves crashing against it. (See first picture)

Then Sunday happened... It was a pretty normal Sunday I'd say, and our Heavenly Father once again helped us achieve standards of excellence! Woot! And not only that, but we have the baptism of Helen and Estelle this Saturday night! So... Be excited!!!
Elder Gabriel G. Spencer
PS Just another picture: Epic photo of last week... (Second photo)

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